
Using co-creation to prepare for stakeholder interviews

We're already halfway through our co-creation workshops and getting ready to interview stakeholders on a one-on-one basis

On 3 November 2022 a group of parents, clinicians and researchers based across Europe and Australia joined us for our fifth workshop – the last of the year! Thank you as always to our wonderful participants for their contributions and willingness to share personal perspectives and experiences.

Following a group warmup activity, today’s empathy moment was led by a clinician who described the emotions provoked by two specific situations of preterm birth he has experienced in his work. In previous sessions we have heard from parents whose children were born preterm – today we gained a new insight and learnt about the lived experience of a medical professional.

After a group discussion, we got into the main exercises of the workshop which centred on preparations for our one-on-one interviews which mark the next phase of our co-creation activities.

Through individual and group brainstorming, we began by identifying people we might interview as representatives of our three key stakeholder groups:

  • Parents, families and patients
  • Government, politicians and regulatory bodies
  • Research teams, researchers and physicians

In the second phase of the exercise and in two groups, the participants brainstormed the kinds of questions we would like to ask each stakeholder group and the types of information we hope to uncover.

By engaging with key stakeholders on a one-on-one basis we hope to be able to better understand their diverse viewpoints, experiences and communications needs when it comes to conducting clinical trials in the preterm population.

They’re also an opportunity to hear questions or concerns about the PREMSTEM research or to learn lessons based upon the real-life experiences of people who have already participated in clinical trials.

The next step will be to create interview scripts based upon our findings from workshop five before inviting people from the three stakeholder groups to participate in a one-on-one interview. If you’d like to find out more about the interviews or might be interested in taking part, please let us know through our contact form.

Our online workshops will resume in the new year once we have completed and analysed the outcomes of the interviews.