Every year, the Fondation de l’Avenir pour la recherche médicale appliquée in France recognises and awards the most innovative applied medical research projects according to different themes and the 2021 Harmonie Mutuelle Reward went to one of PREMSTEM’s own, Doctor Cindy Bokobza!
Cindy, a postdoctoral research scientist in the lab of Neurodiderot-Gressens at Inserm in Paris, collected the award at the live-streamed ceremony on 23 September 2021 on the occasion of World Alzheimer’s Day.
The award was presented by Marion Lelouvier, Présidente de la Fondation de l’Avenir, and Christine Pouliquen-Sina, Vice-Présidente d’Harmonie Mutuelle. Harmonie Mutuelle is one of the biggest mutualist actors in France and helps to finance research projects related to Alzheimer’s.
Cindy was selected in recognition of her original approach to neurodegenerative diseases, including the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s. Her studies focus on the long-term consequences of preterm birth on the brain, injury to which can lead to motor or behavioural problems later in life.
These pathological mechanisms are similar to those observed in the aging process, and in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Cindy’s work suggests preterm birth to be a risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases in people who were born early. Her research therefore has the potential to provide better care for patients who fall into this category, allow an early detection of the disease, and help us to identify new targeted therapies.